This is a great resource for organic, vegan, and allergen-friendly products. Edward and Sons has a number of great brands that offer soups, bread crumbs, sprinkles, ice cream cones, pasta dinners, mashed potatoes, sauces, rice crackers, coconut products, and more!
As a huge coconut lover myself, it was a real treat to get to review their Coconut Oil and Coconut Water. Both have all the great benefits of all the healthy fats while also being gluten-free and organic. From Creamed Coconut, Coconut Flakes, Coconut Flour, Coconut Oil and more, this is a super resource to supply all your coconut needs. Edward and Sons was the brand of Coconut Flour I bought when I fist tried Coconut Flour. I (obviously) haven't stopped loving it yet.
The Brown Rice Snaps we sampled were all gone in one night thanks to a hungry Dad just home from work and later a teenage basketball player after a long practice. My Dad said the flavor was good and the cracker itself wasn't incredible, but I think that the fact that the whole package was gone in less than a night is pretty telling to the fact that they are tasty.
These products from Edward and Sons are high quality and totally organic. Have you seen them in stores? I have been amazed to find their great Coconut Flakes in a few grocery stores I visit and hope that they will keep adding more products soon. Any more allergen-friendly and organic foods we can get to more people is great! Excellent work Edward and Sons. You make healthy eating so much easier!
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